Mozambique’s veteran rebel leader Afonso Dhlakama, who mixed guerrilla warfare with opposition politics, has died aged 65, party sources said on Thursday. Several sources in Dhlakama’s Renamo party told AFP…
Autor: sadocc-admin
Kontroverse Kontinuitäten Eine Studienreise ins Südliche Afrika Vortrag von Sarah Häckel, Dominik Spörker, Tatjana Wais und Victoria Stickler in der SADOCC-Bibliothek, 19 Uhr Favoritenstraße 38/18/1 A-1040 Wien Anfahrt: U1 Taubstummengasse,…
Ort: Institut für Österreichkunde, Wien 1., Hanuschgasse 3 Schülerinnen und Schüler afrikanischer oder afro-amerikanischer Herkunft sind in Wiener Schulen keine Seltenheit mehr. Auch wenn sie immer noch zu den kleinsten…
Treffpunkt: 9., Augasse 2-6, Universitätszentrum Althanstraße, vor dem Haupteingang (Stufen rauf!), Linie D oder U4 (Spittelau) Ein Spaziergang durch die Innenstadt zum Thema „Afrika“ mit Walter Sauer legt „überraschende Facetten…
In Danville, just outside Mahikeng, community members told Police Minister Bheki Cele why residents around the North West province had begun a mass action in an appeal for the ANC…
Swaziland’s King Mswati III has announced that his country has changed its name to eSwatini to mark 50 years since independence from British rule. The new name is eSwatini, meaning…
The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) joins the rest of the country in celebrating Independence Day. We take cognisance of the significance of this day to all Zimbabweans and…
Struggles against Exploitation Churches and Unions in Apartheid- and Postapartheid South Africa Vortrag von Bischof Jo Seoka, Pretoria in der SADOCC-Bibliothek um 19 Uhr, Favoritenstraße 38/18/1 A-1040 Wien Anfahrt: U1…
Botswana’s new president, Mokgweetsi Masisi, vowed on Sunday to tackle youth unemployment in one of Africa’s most stable countries. The inauguration ceremony in parliament came after Ian Khama stepped down…
Struggle stalwart Winnie Madikizela-Mandela has passed away at the age of 81. The apartheid icon has been ill for a number of years and was most recently admitted to Milpark…