Forum Südliches Afrika, 20. April 2023: Oil exploration in northern Namibia – Land rights, wildlife and environment in danger

Vortrag von Rinaani Musutua (Windhoek) and Rob Parker (Halifax) 

Online-Veranstaltung in Englischer Sprache 

19:00 Uhr 

The Okavango River Basin, known in Namibia as the Kavango, flows from Angola through northern Namibia and empties out into the Okavango Delta in northwest Botswana. In 2020, a Canadian company took the first steps to start explorations for gas and petroleum – with permission by the government. The local population was not consulted, and no proper environmental assessment was done. Civil society protests in Namibia meet with harsh reactions on the side of the company, and are critizised by parts of the government. While there is a worldwide trend to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, Namibia still seems to believe in extractive industries. 

Rinaani Musutua from the Economic and Social Justice Trust is a Namibian activist and INDABA author (INDABA 115/22). Rob Parker is an assosciate of the ESJT in the campaign versus ReconAfrica and has been organisiong against the company since hearing about their activities.